Personal Work
Student Work
(Click on the project titles to see the code on Github)
Currently viewing; written in HTML and some JavaScript, with CSS and Bootstrap styling, hosted on Netlify.
Matrix Routing Map made with React and TomTom Maps API. Tomtom Maps offers navigation software for popular brands like Fiat, Mazda and Lexus. The challenege of this project was to work with the extensive Maps SDK documenation.
The Matrix Routing Map simulates the matrix navigation starting from a selected location (Calgary, AB). The user is able to change their location via latitude and longitude, and drag their icon on the map to reset their starting position. The user can select multple "drop points" on their map and the application will route the best option from point A to point B, as many times as the user wants. Auto deployed to Netlify.
Crypto currency dashboard built in React using multiple APIs. Allows users to view 3rd party newfeed links about crypto currency, as well as a currency exchange. Users can calculate the conversion rate between popular crypto currencies as well as Canadian dollars. Auto deployed to Heroku, with .env configuration for API key security.
Memory matching game built with React (create-react-app). User is able to see how many turns they took to complete the card pairs, and restart/shuffle the cards at any time. Hosted on Netlify through continuous deployment and npm build script.
Linguistic trivia quiz, JSON data created by hand and imported into application with Fetch API. Provides the user with the correct answer if they choose incorrectly, provides a final score, and is set to a 15 minutes timer.
Alias generator application, creates false personal information for a user to use, including name, home address, email, etc. Uses Fetch API to get JSON information from the RandomUser API. Allows for some filtering of content, and also a mass loader for the user to generate a list of aliases at once.
Wikipedia search application, using the Wikipedia API as fetch source. Includes links to original wikipedia articles and styled with CSS.
In browser audio recorder, using MediaRecorder Web API, and built with Javascript & jQuery.
Digital piano controlled by keypress events with a confirmation message that records how long user has been playing & auto-closes. Built with jQuery, SASS & Bootstrap.
Image randomizer, built with Lorem Picsum, basic HTML, CSS.
Calculator built with HTML, CSS Grid, JavaScript.
A jQuery mini-project, used to display knowledge in JavaScript libraries.
First coding work, a mock up of a donation-based delivery service for healthcare workers. It's written in HTML, and inline CSS & Javascript. A nostalgia piece, like having macaroni art on the fridge.
HTML & JavaScript application that uses an external API, to display a Pokédex collection. Styled with CSS & Bootstrap, utilizes polyfills and jQuery(slim).
A non-hosted project built in GoormIDE to practice relational databases. Created a simple mock up version of Instagram relationships and made queries that would be relevant to an executive or marketing team in a real-life scenario.
Server-Side NoSQL database created with MongoDB Atlas & Mongoose, with Node.js & Express architecture that performs CRUD on movies and user data through various endpoints. Security measures include authorization, JWT authentication and password hashing. Used JSDoc for additional documentation support, tested with Postman and hosted on Heroku.
Client-side application for myFlixDB, a database application that displays movies, detailed info, and allows users to create their own account and create and maintain a favorite movies list. myFlix was created with React & Redux with both class and functional components. Styling done with React Bootstrap and hosted on Netlify.
A Progressive Web Application, developed with TDD, built with React, run on AWS Lambda (serverless). Uses Google Calendar API and OAuth2 authentication flow to fetch upcominge events in a example event calendar. Code Club has alerts created with the OOP paradigm & uses Recharts for data visualization. Code Club is hosted on gh-pages and allows for limited offline use.
A React Native app that provides a customizable chat interface and additional options for users to send images, take photos (saved on Google Firestore), and share their location. ChatApp uses anonymous authorization to login, was built and tested using Expo and Android Studio, and styled in accordance with provided design assets and guidelines.
myFlix Angular is an alternative version of myFlix, a client-side application based on myFlix DB, but built with Angular & TypeScript. The app has various components, separated primarily between user view/actions and movie view/actions. myFlix Angular is styled with CSS and Angular Materials, supported with TypeDoc documentation, and hosted on gh-pages.